Google Advertising Services by Ennusa Studios

Ennusa Studios menawarkan layanan Google Advertising Services untuk meningkatkan visibilitas, menarik lebih banyak traffic yang berkualitas, dan membantu bisnis Anda tumbuh dengan ROI yang optimal. Kami menggunakan strategi iklan berbasis data, kreativitas konten, dan target audiens yang presisi untuk menciptakan kampanye Google Ads yang efektif dan efisien, baik itu untuk bisnis baru maupun perusahaan besar.

Benefits of Google Advertising with Ennusa Studios​

Google Advertising Services by Ennusa Studios

Meningkatkan Visibilitas Brand Secara Cepat

Iklan Google membantu bisnis Anda muncul di halaman pencarian teratas, meningkatkan peluang dilihat oleh target pasar.

Menjangkau Audiens yang Tepat

Google Ads memungkinkan penargetan berdasarkan kata kunci, lokasi, minat, dan demografi, sehingga Anda hanya membayar untuk audiens yang relevan.

Menghasilkan Lead Berkualitas Tinggi

Dengan penargetan yang akurat, kami memastikan lead yang didapat adalah orang-orang yang tertarik pada produk atau jasa Anda.

Kontrol Biaya yang Fleksibel

Tentukan sendiri anggaran iklan harian Anda tanpa risiko pengeluaran berlebih.

Laporan dan Analisis Real-Time

Lihat performa iklan Anda kapan saja melalui laporan yang transparan dan mudah dimengerti.

Membangun Brand Awareness

Tingkatkan pengenalan merek Anda dengan tampil secara konsisten di hasil pencarian dan Google Display Network.

Hasil Cepat dengan Optimasi Rutin

Tim kami akan terus mengoptimalkan iklan Anda untuk memastikan hasil maksimal dengan biaya yang efisien.

In Google Advertising, we are experts in

In Google Advertising, we are experts in

  • Google Ads Strategist
  • Keyword Research Specialist
  • Campaign Manager
  • Copywriter
  • Graphic Designer
  • Analyst
  • SEO Specialist
  • Bid Manager
  • Conversion Rate Optimizer
  • Consultation


Prices for Google Advertising Services


Cocok untuk bisnis kecil yang baru memulai.
Rp 4.5 jt - 9 jt
  • 1 kampanye iklan
  • penargetan kata kunci dasar
  • laporan bulanan
  • consultation


Untuk bisnis yang ingin meningkatkan visibilitas dan memperoleh lebih banyak lead.
Rp 13 jt -18 jt
  • 2–3 kampanye iklan
  • penargetan lanjutan
  • optimasi iklan mingguan
  • laporan performa lengkap
  • consultation

Corporate Plus

Ideal untuk perusahaan besar dengan tujuan kampanye yang luas.
Rp 19 jt - 30jt
  • Kampanye iklan terintegrasi
  • retargeting
  • A/B testing
  • laporan harian
  • analisa performa mendalam
  • Website Bisnis
  • Consultation

Google Advertising Pricing

Professional and best design service packages at the lowest cost.

Starting from

Rp. 4,5 jt/bulan

Cocok untuk bisnis kecil yang baru memulai.

*Minimum contract duration of 3 months

Google Ads Strategist

Merancang strategi Google Ads yang sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis.

Campaign Manager

Mengelola dan memonitor performa kampanye Google Ads.

Keyword Research Specialist

Menemukan kata kunci yang relevan untuk menjangkau target pasar Anda.

Conversion Rate Optimizer

Memaksimalkan konversi dari setiap kunjungan yang dihasilkan.

Do you have needs outside the package above?

We specialize in creating business websites, but we can also work on various custom website requests and applications.


Ennusa Studios has been trusted by more than 200+ businesses since 2018!


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from 150+ reviews


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Consultation ?

Chief Executive Officer / CEO

Rama Branding

Our insight


Frequently Asked Questions

Making a website at Ennusa Studios goes through professional web development stages with the latest technology and design, clients will get a website according to the packages and requirements agreed at the start of the project.

Clients will also get an admin login page to manage the website via WordPress, and also access to a cPanel hosting account if needed.

If there are features or things that are unclear, you can ask our team directly.

1. Business Details:

Domain Name (if you don’t have one yet), for example
Logos and other branding identities.
Business/company description includes products, services, history, vision and mission, etc.
Address & business contact such as e-mail or telephone number.
Legality (for domain registration with .id extension)

2. Content to display on the website:

Visual content such as: product photos / illustrations, company profile videos, etc.
Service/product excellence and its benefits.
Client / customer testimonials (if any).

3. Marketing Strategy:

Target Market (age, gender, location).
The purpose of having a website (marketing tools, transactions, information, etc.).

We recommend rebuilding the website again with better and safer technology at this time, because the structure and source code documentation for each developer is different.

However, if you already have your own domain and server, we will help build a website on the existing infrastructure.

All website creation packages at Ennusa Studios include FREE support for 3 months covering bug maintenance, content updates, and assistance with other technical problems.

After the support period ends, you can extend it according to the wishes and needs of the business with fees starting from Rp. 100,000,- / month.

Having a website is like having a building that requires other overhead/upkeep costs such as Water & Electricity. To run the website, there is a server fee for hosting the website source code and also a domain so that the website can always be accessed on the internet network.

But no need to worry! because the website creation package at Ennusa Studios includes server & domain fees for 1 year!

After it ends, you can renew it at a fairly affordable cost, starting from Rp. 500.000,- per year.

CMS (Content Management System) is a system that makes it easy to add and update content from a website, we use a WordPress-based CMS to manage the website.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a method of optimizing a website so that it is on page 1 (first) of Google search. Being on the first page > more web visitors > more customers.

Our team can add features outside the package above as needed, all features are available in service addons such as:

Livechat / WhatsApp features
Business e-mail
Additional pages / sections
And various other featuresIf you have the need for an enterprise-scale website or with a variety of complex systems, our team will make a special offer to create a custom website according to the desired needs.