Online Advertising Services

Online advertising / digital campaign / advertising solutions with digital agencies that are trusted and experienced in making successful campaigns.

Digital Campaign

Importance of Instagram Ads for Business!

Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms with more than 98 million active users in Indonesia. Instagram advertising services are perfect for businesses in developing marketing in the digital world.

Ennusa Studios provides Instagram advertising services to manage strategy, budget, and manage advertising campaigns on Instagram for various business needs, such as increasing brand awareness, increasing sales, and so on.

Our latest client

Choice of Ad Platform​

We provide everything companies need in digital marketing, from
strategy planning to data analysis, to increase visibility,
generate leads, and increase sales.

Instagram Ads

Strategy creation and advertising management services for social media Instagram

Facebook Ads

Ad strategy and management services for social media Facebook

Google Ads

SEM (search engine marketing) ad strategy creation and management services at Google

YouTube Ads

Ad strategy creation and management services on the Youtube platform

Tik Tok Ads

Ad strategy creation and management services on the TikTok platform

Have another question?

Consult and discuss your advertising needs with our professional team


Years of digital ads experience


Advertising budget is managed monthly


Clients who trust us


What are the Advantages of Online Advertising?

Targeted Reach

With digital advertising, you can determine who is the target / person who will see the ad later such as location, gender, hobbies, preferences, etc.

Measurable & More Efficient

Digital advertising is proven to be much cheaper than conventional advertising such as newspaper ads, TV, banners, etc. because success can be measured.

Reach Without Limits

Online advertising knows no geographic boundaries. Through digital advertising, businesses can expand their marketing wings throughout Indonesia and even the world.

Our latest client

Ennusa Studios has been trusted by various brands in making various videos!


Ennusa Studios has been trusted by more than 150+ businesses since 2018!


4.83 / 5

from 150+ reviews


Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t worry, Ennusa Studios will assist everyone in setting up advertising assets, starting from account setup, integration, etc

Advertising assets, strategy, and advertising content will be provided by the Ennusa Studios team. Of course, to provide this, we need data and product knowledge documents from your business.

Ennusa Studios through our AM will create a group for communication with clients. Support and communication can be done via chat to online meetings

Relax, Ennusa Studios can provide all advertising assets including ad accounts. We will ensure that the account can be used for advertising and complies with the provisions of the advertising platform


Schedule a meeting

Official Parners:

We are committed to creating measurable change for our clients through our strategic digital marketing services, which include strategy, traffic building, SEO and social media management.

Get In Touch


09:00 s/d 21.00 WIB

Weekends / Holidays:

09:00 s/d 17.00 WIB

(+62) 877 7472 2017

(+62) 877 9222 1666

Ruko Graha Boulevard Summarecon Serpong Blok GBVB 10 Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Curug, Sangereng Kec. Klp. Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810

Coming Soon

Ennusa Studios adalahh merek milik PT Generasi Empowering Nusantara © 2023

Terdaftar pada Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Intelektual Republik Indonesia.