SEO services

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technique of optimizing a website that makes the website
easily found by potential customers on Search Engines like Google, without advertising.
Website pages that are on the first page of Google will increase organic traffic and conversions on a website.

Search Engine Optimization

SMM Service

How do we do it for the website?

We are a Digital Agency or business that believes in the important role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), therefore we offer solutions that we have successfully implemented too.


What do we do?

Competitive Analysis

Competitor analysis and high probability keywords to generate data-driven strategies.

On-Page SEO

Technical optimization of website pages to make it easier to be indexed by Search Engines and accessed by users.

Off-Page SEO Campaign

Conduct campaigns to increase website credibility through link building, social media shares, etc.

Rank Improvement

The results will be visible after 3-6 months of implementing the strategy, waiting for Google to update the search results.

How Much Does SEO Service Cost?

Ennusa Studios provides cheap and most effective SEO services in Indonesia.

Starting from

Rp. 3Jt/bulan

Start increasing the ranking of your business website with us. Consult with our team first to analyze the SEO potential for your website.

*Minimum contract duration of 3 months

Secret Strategy

We use special methods that have been proven successful in increasing website SEO rankings.

Free Consultation

Not sure about your needs and wants? discussion with our team right now at no cost!

White-Hat Technique

The methods and methods that we use are 100% safe for websites and have been tested successfully by various clients.

Money Back Guarantee

We will guarantee ranking increase for keywords that never appeared before.


Advantages of Ennusa Studios SEO Services

More Traffic

With the right SEO strategy, your website's visibility on Google will increase so that traffic will increase.

More Brand Awareness

Being on the first page of Google will make potential customers more familiar with your business brand.

More Trust & Authority

Once the brand is widely known, the business will gain the full trust of customers.

More Leads

By targeting keywords that match the target market, incoming traffic can be converted into new customers.

More Revenue

Increasing leads or prospective new customers from the website will increase business revenue.

More Business Growth

In the end, the business will grow along with the ranking growth in search engines / Google without advertising costs, etc.

Ennusa Studios has been trusted by various brands in increasing website traffic!


Ennusa Studios has been trusted by more than 200+ businesses since 2018!


4.83 / 5

from 150+ reviews


Frequently Asked Questions

Ennusa Studios will optimize the website according to the package chosen. After that you will get a monthly report, and every quarter regarding the progress of the SEO project being carried out.

Many factors influence this, such as keyword competition, keyword difficulty, competitors, and website conditions. But generally results will be seen after the third to fourth month.

All you have to do is fill out the service order form which contains questions about the current state of the website and SEO goals, from there our team will develop an appropriate strategy.

We will guarantee improvements and processes from time to time, but cannot guarantee that we will be ranked first through only one contract, because competitive conditions may become a major factor so that the budget spent must be more.

Official Parners:

We are committed to creating measurable change for our clients through our strategic digital marketing services, which include strategy, traffic building, SEO and social media management.

Get In Touch


09:00 s/d 21.00 WIB

Weekends / Holidays:

09:00 s/d 17.00 WIB

(+62) 877 7472 2017

(+62) 877 9222 1666

Ruko Graha Boulevard Summarecon Serpong Blok GBVB 10 Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Curug, Sangereng Kec. Klp. Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810

Coming Soon

Ennusa Studios adalahh merek milik PT Generasi Empowering Nusantara © 2023

Terdaftar pada Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Intelektual Republik Indonesia.